

The following process is stablished in order to participate in this II edition of the International Conference in Permanence and Transformation on historical fabrics.


The abstracts can be written in spanish or in english. They won't include more than 600 words, without sections or subsections. A list of bibliographical references should be indicated (but will be excluded of the 600 words limite) The document will consist of two separate documents: one of them including the title of the proposed work and the complete name and adress of the authors; the other one will include the title of the proposed work, the abstract and the bibliographical references. 

The texts will be sent in *.doc to, which will be the usual contact adress between the participants and the organization of the event. The deadline date for abstracts submission is 18 july, 2011 (ending at 24:00h)

Notification of the acceptance of abstracts will be sent to the corresponding authors on 25 July, 2011.


The selected abstracts will send the complete text of the communication to the previously indicated e-mail, also in *.doc and obligatory following the layout stablished in the [ATTACHED DOCUMENT2]. The communications can be presented in Spanish or in English.

The deadline date for communications submission is 30 october, 2011. All the communications will be evaluated under a peer review process to ensure scientific quality. Notification of this evaluation will be sent to the corresponding authors on 20 november, 2011. This review process could result in:

Unconditional acceptance of manuscript or proposal
Acceptance to be subjected to the referee's proposed improvements
Rejection, but encouragement for authors to revise the document and to resubmit it to the review process.
Unconditional rejection

The new deadline to submit the corrected communication will be 10 december, 2011. The Scientific Committee will inform about the definitive admission of proposals on 22 december 2011. The Scientific Committe will decide from among the finally accepted works the form o f communications presentation it considers the most suitable. The forms anticipated are:

Presentation of oral communications: There will be a hall with a spotlight and a computer for this presentation. The speaker should facilitate the presentation file in *.ppt at the start of the corresponding communications reading sessions to avoid delays. All speakers will have 15 minuts for their presentation. Oral communications will be included in the Coongress Minutes.

Presentation of poster communications: Posters will be presented in the horizontal A1 format following the layout established in the [attached document3]. Posters should be mounted on a rigid support to be presented. The speaker will be in charge of mounting  and printing posters. Printed and mounted posters may be forwarded to the Congress Secretary before 1 Februrary 2012. In the poster presetnations, at least one author should remain near the poster on the date and at the time indicated by the orgnization. Posters will be included in the Congress Minutes after the written communications sent previously.

Presentation of written communications: those communications which have not been selected for the oral or poster presentations, but have been accepted by the Congress Scientific Committee, will be included in the Congress Minutes,  which will be published with a bibliogrphic identification number (ISBN) and will be handed out at the start of the Conference Days.